And again ...
I had to laugh that it was Pez who demanded I get back to blogging. You may remember, she was the one who flaunted the "I'll believe it when I see it" attitude back in November, when I started drunk nights on bikes. And although I hate to say I've been less than committed, I will say thank you to Katie for giving me a swift kick to the ass. I needed it.I've sat down to write several times over the past few weeks, but the things that came felt wrong. I thought about New Year's resolutions (too cliche), my beautiful new apartment (too boring), and the death of a close family friend and my grandfather (both too personal).
At the same time, everything else (cool Web sites, movements, politics) felt not personal enough.
Then it hit me: Who gives a shit?
And so today, as President Bush enters his second term of office and my family arrives in Southern California to bury my grandfather, who died Sunday after a long battle with cancer, I toast better times, for my family and the world at large.
And I leave you with a quote by Milan Kundera:
"There is nothing heavier than compassion. Not even one's own pain weighs so heavy as the pain one feels with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by the imagination and prolonged by a hundred echoes."