O Brother, Where Art Thou Mind?
I didn't notice this yesterday, perhaps because I worked all day and by the time I got home my brother had gone to work, but I saw it this morning, right there in broad daylight. Is it a curious trace of chocolate milk, I wondered. It can't be a lip rug! Could it? He wouldn't do that ... would he? That's when things got messy.I begged, pleaded, "Brother, please do not grow a mustache!"
"Too late," he said with a smug grin.
"You can't," I argued. "They'll tear you to pieces."
I then told him about C, a sexy friend of mine who, to the horror of ladies everywhere, grew a stache two winters ago. But it wasn't just girls who complained, his buddies did too. Some, actually one in particular, had the nerve to tell him how sleazy it looked. But the rest just trashed him behind his back, and reminised about the old days, when he was still hot.
He got the hint, but not Brother, henceforth to be known as Baby Stache.
Mustaches look good on three people: Dwight Evans, Peter Janelle and Tom Selleck. Do you see your name there Baby Stache? Do you?
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