
Option B

I can think of at least one friend who refuses to blog under the influence; I understand her conviction, since we all do and say things we might not normally do or say otherwise. But ... I titled my blog "drunk nights on bikes". I mean, would I have called it that if I spent most nights sober? Let me assure you, no. And seeing that my options are:

A) Drunk dial various friends and lovers until someone humors me enough until I fall asleep, or

B) Post to a site not many people know about anyway ...

I choose B!

You have chosen wisely.

Who said that? ...

A few thoughts on my new endeavor:

1. I knew there would be nay-sayers. And I suppose I should say I deserve it (after all, Pez has known me for a long time), but seriously, I don't. Just because I happen to live in place after place without reliable Internet access does not make me unreliable. It makes the Internet unreliable.

2. I'm truly touched that D posted about my blog. She inspires me, and the fact that she believes I might actually stick with this thing is almost enough inspiration for me to do so.

3. I'm pretty fucking stoked about this thing. Getting rid of my old blog was the cyber equivalent of a colon cleansing. I feel like a new person.

Getting back to the point though ... I've been drinking. It wasn't a tough night at work, but it was enough to make me have a few glasses of wine. I should tell you that I work in a restaurant. It's upscale, on a resort island off the East Coast. It's a good job. Good food and wine are important to me, and I'm glad both are part of my daily life. But even nice restaurants are frequented by shitty customers, and tonight was no exception. But I'm not going to rant about how much they sucked. The fact is, I have sucky customers almost every night. Imagine if I let it get to me. I'd have to find a new job, and I don't want to do that. Because even though I complain every once in a while, I like my job. It's low stress, the money is good and I can up and leave whenever I want.

Then why the post? Well, I think Nora Ephron was channelling me. Let's call it a "Sleepless in Seattle"/"You've Got Mail" moment. I was just thinking about what it all means. And even though I know I don't have the answers, I know it's not blogs or dinner out or even good wine. But I'm thankful I have them, you know?